Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to Japan Visits the University of Toyama

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Mr. Jean-Eric Paquet of the Delegation of the European Union to Japan, two counsellors and an interpreter visited the University of Toyama, on February 27 and 28.

On February 27, the Delegation visited the Takaoka Campus and the Aluminium Research Center. Prof. Toshiya Shibayanagi, Assistant to the President, explained the Center’s research trends and achievements in the field of recycled aluminium. At the Research Center for Cultural Property Conservation and New Creative Technologies, Prof. Satoru Hayashi, the director of the center, and Prof. Masatsugu Ouji, the manager of the architecture department of this center, spoke about the center’s research and initiatives in the field of cultural property protection. Ambassador, who expressed his strong interest in both aluminium research and cultural property protection research, made a positive proposal for future cooperation with the EU.

Prof. Shibayanagi showing research results to the Ambassador and others

Prof. Hayashi introducing the latest technology for the protection of cultural properties

The EU Delegation then went to Kanaya-machi, an important preservation area for traditional buildings in Takaoka City, where Assoc. Prof. Tenshin Yokoyama (School of Art and Design) explained the town’s development, which combines tradition and modernity, and the university’s initiatives.

Ambassador being briefed by Assoc. Prof. Yokoyama

On the 28th, Ambassador paid a courtesy visit to President Dr. Saito, who was also joined by Vice President for Research Dr. Kitajima and Vice President for International Affairs Dr. Ikeda, and they exchanged renewed views on their future collaboration.

Afterwards, Ambassador gave a special lecture, “EU’s Green Transformation (policymaking and implementation), and EU-Japan collaboration,” for students and researchers, given that urban sustainability is one of the pillars of education and research at the University of Toyama. The lecture was followed by an enthusiastic discussion among approximately 120 participants asking questions, to which the Ambassador responded in good faith and without sparing time.

At the end of the event, Ambassador Paquet and President Saito drew one eye on each of the two dharma dolls, designed in the symbol colors of Japan and EU, as a sign of friendship between them, hoping for further cooperation in the future.

Commemorative photo with Ambassador Paquet, President Saito, Vice President Kitajima, Vice President Ikeda and all participants