Delegation from Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar Visits to President Saito
On June 17, 2019, a delegation from the Ministry of Health and Sports, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, headed by Director General Moe Swe, Department of Traditional Medicine, Ministry of Health and Sports, Myanmar paid a courtesy visit to President Saito.
This visit is as part of a JICA partnership program, ”Project for strengthening primary healthcare by improving manufacturing and quality control of traditional medicine in Myanmar” which Dr. Katsuhiro Konno, Institute of Natural Medicine (INM), University of Toyama (UT) leads as a project manager with the cooperation of Toyama prefecture.
After giving a welcome address by President Saito, Director General Moe Swe expressed his appreciation for the cooperation and contribution by UT to JICA partnership program. The participants had a lively discussion about the possibility of further cooperation towards the international contributions in the future.
During their stay in Toyama, they will visit facilities on Sugitani Campus, UT and pharmaceutical companies and also attend the “2019 Symposium on medicine and primary healthcare in Toyama and Myanmar” on June 24.

Director General Moe Swe (left) and President Saito(right)

Group photo with a delegation