Delegation from Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia Visits University of Toyama
On August 3, 2018, Dr. Ariyanti Saleh, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) and Dr. Andi Masyitha Irwan, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Nursing, UNHAS paid a visit to the Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toyama (UT). UNHAS and UT concluded a university level-agreement of academic exchange in March 2002. Since then we have accepted students from UNHAS as well as conducted joint research through mutual exchange of researchers especially in the areas of pharmaceutical sciences.
This visit was aimed at discussing the research collaboration proposal from the Faculty of Nursing, UNHAS and other possibility for mutual exchange between the two institutions. They had a lively exchange of views about various possibility of collaboration in the areas of Nursing.

Dr. Ariyanti Saleh, Dean (left) and Prof. Yatsuzuka, Chair (right)

(second from the left) Dr. Andi Masyitha Irwan, Dr. Ariyanti Saleh, Prof. Yatsuzuka and Prof. Kanamori