English Writing Training for Administrative Staff of University of Toyama
From August 26th to December 12th, 2022, University of Toyama held an “Online English Writing Training” for administrative staff, organized by the International Exchange Division with the aim of improving the writing skills for email, report etc. in English necessary for administrative staff. The training was conducted by both Japanese and native English instructors.
At the beginning of the training, Mr. Kakuta, the Executive Director of the International Affairs Department, gave a speech of encouragement based on his own experience of learning English. In the group training, participants learned appropriate expressions of requests, apologies, etc. in email, according to the recipient. In the theme-oriented training that followed, participants learned specific expressions on signs and flyers, or how to structure sentences in reports. In the final private lesson and individual correction service via email, each participant received direct feedback from the instructor according to his or her level and objectives, making output and overcoming the weaknesses in the English writing skills they had acquired throughout the training.
Participants commented, “It was a good opportunity to learn how to write clear and suitable English sentences for different situations. This training gave us a confidence in writing emails,” “I learned practical English expressions from a native English instructor and could use them immediately in my work”.

Mr. Kakuta, Executive Director of International Affairs
Department, making an opening speech

Group training with native English instructor