Assoc. Director. Kseniya Gregory, American Language and Culture Institute, California State University San Marcos visits University of Toyama
On October 5, Assoc. Director. Kseniya Gregory, American Language and Culture Institute (ALCI), California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) paid a courtesy visit to Executive Vice President Ikeda.
The purpose of this visit was to exchange opinions in order to prepare for concluding an inter-university agreement between CSUSM and University of Toyama (UT).
At the courtesy visit, a brief overview of UT was outlined by Executive Vice President Ikeda, and then Prof. Kuramitz, School of Science introduced Global Sustainability Science Program of Graduate School of Sustainability Studies which led to lively discussion in a friendly atmosphere in the preparation of UT for accepting international students from CSUSM.
After the courtesy visit, Assoc. Director. Gregory observed a lecture given by faculty members of Global Research Centre for Advanced Sustainability Science of UT, which was carried out in English. After that, she appealed CSUSM to UT’s students who are interested in studying abroad at the briefing session of CSUSM’s short term program.
With this visit, further discussions between CSUSM and UT toward the conclusion of an inter-university agreement can be expected.

Group photo
From left:
Assoc. Prof. Yoshikawa, Head of Exchange Division of Organization for International Education and Exchange
Prof. Ikeda, Executive Vice President
Assoc. Director. Kseniya Gregory, American Language and Culture Institute (ALCI), California State University San Marcos (CSUSM)
Prof. Matsuda, Dean, School of Science

Presentation by Assoc. Director. Kseniya Gregory