竞彩足球app下载4年度学位記授与式 学長告辞



Since we have international students here today, I would like to give a short congratulatory message also in English.
It is my great pleasure to be able to conduct the graduation ceremony for the first time in four years, bringing together students from all nine faculties and graduate students. It’s a great pleasure to see you all today. You have been awarded a degree by the University of Toyama. On behalf of the University, I extend my sincere congratulations.


I became President of the University of Toyama in 2019, I and all the undergraduate students were freshmen. In my address at the entrance ceremony, I said that while lectures “講義” are given at the university and “講” means a meeting for lecturing on Buddhist scriptures, “義” means to beautify oneself, so I hope that while you are in university you will study hard and improve yourselves. Do you remember this?
Unlike in high school, you learned how to actively tackle issues, hold discussions in groups, and solve difficult problems while you were at the University. As a result, through your student life, I guess you have matured personally much more.
Society is in strong demand for people who can solve problems not by themselves, but by collaborating with others in different fields of expertise to discover problems and solve them by borrowing the abilities of others who do not have their own. Society is changing in this way.


In this situation, you acquired not only knowledge but also morality, and also went out of the university and experienced learning in the community. From now on, the world is about to change drastically with the aim of realizing Society 5.0. With the spread of DX, the social implementation of AI, the promotion of carbon neutrality to address climate change, and the increase in computing speed with quantum computers, the pace of social reform will increase more than ever. I sincerely hope that you will make the most of your many experiences during your time at the University of Toyama and that our graduates will be active in their respective positions during this period of change.
In addition, in order to cope with these social changes, we are now in an age where we need to relearn, or “Reskilling”. If you need to relearn after becoming a member of society, please come back to the University of Toyama Graduate School to study.


I would like to recognize those students who have advanced to the master’s or doctoral programs have taken on the challenge of a new field of research and summarized these results during the COVID-19 pandemic. I think that what you learned in the master’s and doctoral programs will be very useful in your future career. Until the procedure became stable in science experiments, reliable data could not be obtained, and new experimental techniques had to be established, which would have been difficult. But you have learned a lot from your mistakes, found solutions, and grown up humanly. This ability will surely help you when you enter the workforce. In the humanities, the process of reading and understanding many documents and materials and summarizing the results of your own research in the process has greatly deepened your education. At the same time, you worked together with your professors to find ways to solve the problems, and you developed your own arguments, which were then summarized in your thesis. I would like to commend each of you once again for your hard work.
In April, you will begin your new job. And some students will also enroll in graduate school to pursue their studies. As each of you begins your life in a new environment, I hope that you will have dreams and work toward the realization of those dreams. It is my hope that you will network with new people and that each of you will show your individuality and play an active role.

富山大学は、これからも富山県での地域活性化の中核として、地域から頼られる大学として地方創生に貢献していきたいと思っています。富山県の掲げる「ウェルビーイング先進地域 富山を目指して」ならびに富山市の掲げる「スマートシティー」の実現のために、富山大学も取り組んでいく所存です。 そのためには、富山大学と卒業生とのネットワークが重要です。富山大学と皆様方との絆を深めたいと願っています。未来に役立つ研究成果を、国内外の研究機関並びに卒業生の皆様と連携しながら発信していくつもりです。産学官金の連携をさらに強化し、新たなイノベーションを起こし、富山県を元気にしたいと考えています。

The University of Toyama will continue to contribute to regional revitalization as the core of regional top leader in Toyama. We will also work toward the realization of Toyama Prefecture’s “Well-being Advanced Area Toyama” and Toyama City’s “Smart City”. In order to realize this, it is important to keep the connection between the University of Toyama and graduates. We hope to strengthen the ties between the University of Toyama and you. In addition, we intend to disseminate research results that will be useful in the future in collaboration with research facilities in Japan and overseas. We would like to further strengthen cooperation between industry, academia, government, and finance, and to create new innovations to revitalize Toyama Prefecture.
We will do our best to be a proud alma mater university for everyone, so we hope that you will support The University of Toyama as an alumnus.


Finally, I wish all you graduates have a wonderful life.
Thank you.

富山大学長 齋藤 滋